Plugin Documentation

Learn how to create and integrate plugins with Game Pop.

Table of Contents

Overview Installation Creating a Plugin Plugin Structure Python Function Details


Game Pop's plugin system allows you to create custom plugins that run when your queue pops. This guide walks you through the steps to create your own plugin, from installation to writing your first plugin.


Ensure that your Game Pop desktop application is installed and up to date. Plugins are stored in the /Plugins folder located inside the application directory.

Creating a Plugin

  1. Create a new folder inside /Plugins.
  2. Add a plugin.json file with the following structure:
    "name": "My Plugin",
    "description": "This plugin does something cool.",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "script": "",
    "enabled": true

Plugin Structure

Your plugin folder should contain:

Python Function Details

All plugins must implement specific functions to work properly within Game Pop. Below are the details for each function:

Optional: OnQueuePop(game, type)

This function is called when a queue pops. It must be implemented in your plugin's Python script. The game parameter indicates the selected game, whilst the type is the trigger (e.g battle ground, arena etc)

def OnQueuePop(queueType):
    # Your custom logic here

Optional: OnQueuePopNotification(game, type)

This optional function can modify the game and type values when a queue pop notification is triggered. Both game and type must be less than or equal to 255 characters in length. It should return the modified values as a tuple:

def OnQueuePopNotification(game, type):
    Modify game and type values.
    modified_game = f"Modified-{game}"
    modified_type = f"Modified-{type}"
    return modified_game, modified_type
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